Just a quick post to say that I've extended the submission window until 7 PM EDT tonight for entries as this round has been more quiet than usual. I probably shouldn't have picked a long weekend to open it on, ha ha.
I was asked why I offer these rounds. Simply, these critique rounds are to help out my fellow writers. It's an opportunity I give to each of you to get your work out there and grab valuable feedback that is only going to improve your story (and your writing) by allowing other writers and readers to tell you things about your work you may not see. I'm a big fan of critiques, as they've strengthen my own work and given me insight from a reader's point of view, something that not every writer gets. The readers are the ones who will ultimately decide the success of your finished work, so taking advantage of their opinions is a crucial step to perfecting it, especially for those planning on publishing.
So don't miss out! ;-)
Thanks to those who've entered this round and previous rounds. Your writing amazes me, and I'm happy to offer you a venue to display your art for open eyes.
Hugs to all.
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