Spring is starting to awaken and the snow is dissipating. Isn’t it amazing how the change of seasons can flip your overall mood? I can understand why some animals hibernate all winter long; it’s a cold and cranky time of year and all I want to do is sleep through it too.
Lots going on lately-I can’t share some of it because it’s not set in stone, but what I can tell you is I may have some big news this weekend! Besides that, the first chapter of the sequel is done. My story board is coming together and once I get completely past this pesky case of writer’s block, I think I’ll fly through and write the sequel as fast as I wrote Unnatural. I’m meeting lots of wonderful writers and people in publishing and they’re giving me valuable insights. March has been a great month!
Someone asked me if I have any other manuscripts I’m working on. The answer is right now, I have several concepts that are in development-some YA, some not. The Unnatural series is my main focus at the moment, but I plan on setting my focus on one of my other projects once the sequel is completed, before I start on the third. I figure it might be good to take a break from Lexi and the gang should my schedule allow it. They can’t be selfish; I’ve devoted the past two years to them. It’s time to share my creative self with my other ideas.
On a personal note, my husband got a new job-yay! He’s worked so hard and I couldn’t be prouder. His perseverance shows me that good things do happen to good people when you work hard and give it your all.
My son’s 1st birthday is next month, so besides being busy with writing both the sequel and my query, I’ve been planning his party. Who knew a 1st birthday could be so difficult to plan? We want him to have a good time, but there is only so much you can do for a baby’s 1st birthday without overwhelming them. I think we came up with the perfect party plan. He’ll be surrounded by family and friends, and that’s all that really matters at the end of the day. That and cake.
Recently I’ve had some wonderful people show me their support in an open forum. I have to say, my heart swelled. I’m very touched and also flattered that you believe in me. It helped turn a bad week into a great one-thank you. Thanks to everyone. Every person who follows my journey and spreads the word about it means so much. I smile each time a new follower comes aboard. You all rock!
We are 11 followers away from the next reward-Twitter is leading. It’s still early, so it can turn around. Any predictions? I’d love to hear them!
That’s all for now. Hopefully, I’ll be posting something this weekend. ;-)
Spring is time for cheer! It's ashame we might get snow this Friday but that's New England for ya! But watch it'll be 70 next Monday HAHA! But spring brings out the best in everyone and everything! It's not to hot, not too cold. It's PERFECT and SO ARE YOU! You are truly doing IT and "I" couldn't be prouder :-). Keep up the good work and and keep sharing your ideas!