Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm Finally Back!! Did You Miss Me? ;-)

So I've been absent for a bit.  I had made all these plans for the blog back around the New Year and now we're in April and I haven't had the pleasure of implementing most of them.  But I have wonderful reasons for falling behind.  I've been hard at work writing, brainstorming and forming connections with our wonderful writing community.  I stepped back and really evaluated where I am in my writing career and how I feel about my current road mark.  But the biggest reason I've been a bit of a ghost is because I'm pregnant again!  

Yes, I've been blessed with another little one.  A boy, due in September.  I found out in early January and was a sick, nervous wreck up until a couple weeks ago.  I'm still suffering from morning sickness and fatigue, which is what mainly sidelined me to begin with, but it's not 24/7 like it was my first 4 months.  I'm not complaining, though; it's all worth it.  We are beyond excited and our son (who turned 2 yesterday) will be the best big brother!

Obviously this means my priorities have changed a little.  Over the next few months I'll be preparing my family and home for the new baby while busting my hump to advance my writing to the publishing level, or at least close to it.  And I will be implementing some of the promised new features.  

First up will, most likely, be my post on loglines.  I've had plenty of time to research and read loglines, watching them develop from rough to perfect, and it was quite the learning experience--one I feel will benefit all of you.  After that I'll host a logline clinic/critique session for anyone who wants to perfect theirs.  This will be the first in a series (I hope) of novel pitch package development I'd like to host.  Perfecting your novel is just the first step in the process; perfecting your pitch package is what gets that perfected manuscript to the agent's desk.  I'll talk more about that soon.

I'm also excited to announce that my blog will be expanding to a website, as I've talked about doing forever now.  In addition to helping my fellow writers mold their crafts through informational posts and crit rounds, I'll be offering some professional services like beta-reading and critiquing.  I love reading and working directly with writers, so this is something I'm thrilled to finally offer on a broader scale.  

This month's critique round will be announced shortly, so stay tuned to my Facebook and Twitter feeds for the information and call for submissions.  

That's it for now.  Get excited, because I certainly am!  <3